Include a Gift in Your Will

A gift in your Will is an investment in the future of people with a disabilityBy making a bequest, you will leave an enduring gift that will help Sylvanvale meet the ever-increasing demand for life-changing services, facilities and support for people with disability, now and into the future. 

A bequest is a specific gift of assets or belongings through your Will.
There are four major types of bequests:

Garden house lady holding plant
  1. A percentage bequest: this can be any percentage of your total estate up to 100%. This enables you to share your estate among several people or organisations without specifying property or amounts.
  2. A pecuniary bequest: this is a gift of a fixed sum of money to a person or organisation.
  3. A residual bequest: with this type of bequest a person or organisation receives the balance of the estate after those specifically named in your will have been provided for.
  4. A specific bequest: this type of bequest enables a donor to leave a specific amount of other asset (such as a property) to an organisation
Flowers being planted in ground

We suggest using the following wording, but please check with your legal advisor.

“I give and bequeath to Sylvanvale Limited free of all taxes and other deductions (amount and/or type of bequest) to be used for the general purpose of the fund and the receipt of the secretary or other authorised officer of the said fund shall be complete and sufficient discharge to my executors”.

Other ways you can help