Financial Summary 2023 – 2024

In the 2023-2024 financial year, Sylvanvale Limited achieved an operating surplus of $2.4 million.

The positive result is despite the removal of government National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) COVID-19 subsidies and increased business costs. Careful management of expenses continued to be a priority, as investments in technology delivered positive outcomes with improvements in billing and enhanced data to assist decision-making. 

Sylvanvale maintained 92% occupancy rates in its Supported Independent Living (SIL) homes and opened a new Individual Apartment Living (IAL) service in Kogarah supporting ten (10) new clients. Looking ahead Sylvanvale will support more people with disability as it prepares for new site openings in Jannali, Woolooware, and Mascot. Further projects with SDA partners are also in the pipeline.

With continued uncertainty in National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) pricing and ongoing changes in the sector, Sylvanvale will continue to carefully and prudently manage expenses while looking to grow revenue and its impact in pursuit of its purpose.

A circular chart displaying 2023-24 expenses in millions, categorized by employee, administration, occupancy, and other expenses.