Message from the CEO

Leanne Fretten CEO from Our Board & executive team

This financial year has seen Sylvanvale continue its positive momentum in achieving financial sustainability and operational excellence.

As part of our commitment to better outcomes for all people with disability, we were pleased to sign up to a research project with LaTrobe University Living with Disability Research Centre. The project focuses on building an evidence base to improve staff engagement, which ultimately will improve the quality of life for people with intellectual disability who access our services.

We were excited to launch our biggest and most significant technology project ever on 1 July 2023. Following its implementation, we have concentrated on improving our processes to incorporate the new systems. This is part of a broader organisational focus on updating and improving our policies and procedures to ensure we’re delivering supports of the safest and highest quality. We were please to be recognised in our NDIS Practice Standards Independent Audit as achieving best practice for our Quality Management System, and our use of evidence-based tracking to support quality client outcomes. ​

Testament to the standard of the services we offer, we were delighted that Mikarie Childcare Centre was highly commended for Excellence in Service Quality at the National Disability Services Awards in December 2023.

Mikarie Childcare Centre
Sylvanvale social and community

It’s important to us that our services meet the needs of the people we support and provide greater choice. To this end, we relaunched our community outings program as ‘Social and Community’, with more days on offer and a revamped schedule. We also launched a new Individual Apartment Living (IAL) site in Kogarah.

Thank you to the team at Sylvanvale for your contribution to our success across the organisation. I am very grateful to my Executive Team for their adeptness and dependability, ensuring our organisation runs smoothly and continues to move forward.

My enormous thanks to the Board of Directors for your informed insights and critical role in actively shaping Sylvanvale’s strategic direction.

To our sponsors and supporters, thank you for the important part you play in making what we do possible.

Most importantly, thank you to the people we support, their families and carers. Your support drives us to do better each day and is the reason why we’re here.

Leanne Fretten