Sylvanvale’s Workforce Planning team schedules over 60,000 hours of client support every month. They work around the clock to ensure the right staff are matched with clients and that their support needs are met. This includes backfilling shifts to cover unplanned leave, rostering staff for training and team meetings, and working with Site Managers to plan for staff leave. It’s a busy job! We sat down with Workforce Planner Allyse to learn more about her career journey, and how the team keeps on top of all the scheduling needs of Sylvanvale.
How did you come to work at Sylvanvale?
I’ve worked in a handful of industries, I have always been open to new challenges and learning new skills. I started out in childcare and worked in the industry for over 5 years. I really enjoyed it but was keen to try something out of my comfort zone – so I moved to Canada for a year on a working holiday visa.

When I returned to Australia, I was ready for a new challenge. Eventually I found a job with Global Disability. It was my first exposure to the disability sector. In my role there I was lucky enough to work with Sylvanvale’s Workforce Planning team. They were so friendly and lovely to work with, that when a job opportunity came up at Sylvanvale, I knew I had to go for it!
What do you enjoy about working in the disability sector?
When I first started, I had no prior knowledge about the disability sector, and everything I have learned since has been on the job and from the experienced peers I had around me.
The disability sector is forever changing. Every day is so different from the last. What attracts me to stay is the people. I have met so many kind and passionate people working in this sector, which made the decision to stay in disability an obvious choice.

What does a typical day look like in Workforce Planning?
Every day is different, but the critical thing is making sure all shifts are covered. We work two weeks ahead, sometimes even further, planning out the rosters for all 42 sites. There is a lot of leave planning, and working on the Roster of Care to work out what is the right support for the clients at each site.
I love solving problems and finding solutions to all the challenges that come my way.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
It is a super rewarding role. We work closely with Site Managers and all the staff who play such a key role in providing support for our clients. I have a great team around me, which helps me enjoy this position even more.
The best part is getting a wave and a smile from clients who want to say hello while I am on a Teams meeting with Site Managers. It makes my day!
What has been your biggest achievement at Sylvanvale?
I can’t really name a biggest achievement, but I feel we achieve and hit different goals every day, which in itself is a big achievement.
Every day can provide its own challenges and stressful situations, but I think it’s a great achievement to get through it and still provide a great outcome for our clients at the end of the day. After all, it’s the clients that we are here for.